Ventolin side effects

Common side effects

Since Ventolin is absorbed into the systemic circulation, it affects the work of the internal organs.

Most often, the following violations from the central and peripheral nervous system are observed:

  • dizziness and headaches;
  • increased excitability, hyperactivity;
  • involuntary trembling of fingers;
  • Muscle cramps.

Local side effects include mucosal irritation, increased perspiration in the throat, and pain in swallowing.

When using Ventolin inhalers, the solution can cause the disorders of the heart function and blood vessels:

  • palpitation and sensation of this process by the patient;
  • arrhythmias including ciliary arrhythmia – a failure of consecutive and coordinated contractions of the myocardium;
  • violation of electrical conduction of the heart muscle;
  • premature ventricular contraction is a violation of pulsing in the heart, as a result of which its compartments (atria and ventricles) are prematurely excited, the patient experiences strong tremors alternately with a sinking heart;
  • relaxation of the smooth muscles of blood vessels.

Side effects that are observed rarely:

  • urticaria, allergic dermatitis, angioedema;
  • lack of potassium in the body;
  • accumulation of lactic acid in tissues;
  • blood pressure decrease, collapse;
  • sudden contraction of the bronchi and narrowing of their lumen.

Inhalation drugs can cause a paradoxical bronchospasm. Paradoxical bronchospasm should be immediately stopped with the help of another dosage form of Albuterol or another quick-acting inhaled bronchodilator. In this case, it is necessary to immediately stop the use of Ventolin inhaler, assess the patient’s condition, conduct the necessary examination, and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Inhalation preparations can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx.

Therapy with beta2-adrenoreceptor agonists sometimes causes hypokalemia, which can be a serious danger to the patient. Like other beta2- adrenoreceptor agonists, Albuterol can occasionally cause mental agitation and an increase in motor activity in children.

Possible side effects during pregnancy and lactation

Ventolin inhalers can be used in the therapy of pregnant women in cases where the benefit to the mother from the use of the drug exceeds the possible risk to the fetus. The use of the drug during pregnancy is indicated in cases where a woman has a high risk of placental hypoxemia of the fetus. When pregnant women are prescribed with Ventolin, they must remember that using Albuterol can provoke hyperglycemia and tachycardia in the fetus and the mother. Also, the systematic use of Ventolin may cause weakening of labor, accentuated decrease in arterial pressure, and pulmonary edema.